Nant Y Car North Mine, Map Ref SN890 619

Trial mining probably started here in the 18th Century.
Small scale mining started again in 1844.
Nantycar Mining Company formed in 1849 and a more extensive development work commenced.
Rhiwnant Mine contained Cooper, Lead and Zinc Ores which was mined extensively between 1849 and 1853.
A Engine Shaft was sunk to a depth of 53 Fathoms (318 foot), the shaft and dressing floors were powered by a 50 foot diameter waterwheel.
Output was small and mainly of Cooper Ore.
Map Ref SN8908 6192

Nant Y Car North Mine

Cerrig Plwm Shaft 1

Map Ref SN8905 6169

Cerrig Plwm Shaft 5

Remains of former vertical shaft associated with Nant y Car Lead mine.
Map Ref SN8905 6155

Nant Y Car North Wheel Pit 1

Map Ref SN8908 6191

Nant Y Car North Wheel Pit 2

East side is of stone construction, whereas West side has been cut into rock outcrop.
Map Ref SN8908 6194

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